Bible Out of Courts
Our ambition is to take the Bible out of courtrooms. We seek to establish a precedent that removes the Bible from every court in America, starting with the courts in Pinellas County, Florida.
The Bible is in Court for the sake of Tradition
The Bible is in the courtrooms of Pinellas County for the sake of tradition and not for the sake of the Spirit it represents. Therefore, there is no legitimate point in having the Bible in the courts.
The Courts mock the Life in the Bible
The Bible is a living Spiritual organism. It gives new life to the believer. It could not give new life if it were not alive itself. Believers are living by the Spirit of the Bible. Without that Spirit, we are dead, literally.
We argue that the judges of Pinellas County mock and ridicule the Spirit by which we live. As a result, they make decisions that jeopardize the safety and well-being of every citizen or visitor to Pinellas County.
Example: Judges have a role in the gentrification of a community. Their part is to purposely ignore the standard from the Bible, which makes rendering judgment fair and impartial.
The Bible has one standard for rendering impartial judgment and, that is “No respect of persons.”
For there is no respect of persons with God. Romans 2:11
Righteous judgment is not for sale. No one is entitled to receive a favorable court decision because of their race, stature, or affiliations.
The judges of Pinellas County mock our faith and ridicule the Spirit of the Bible in how they manipulate judicial decisions to show respect for persons. They use statutes, rules, and procedures to judge from a point in a situation that justifies corruption. In doing so, they avoid starting from the beginning and the truth of a matter to render fair judgments.
As evidence of fact, we will show that the gentrification of South St. Petersburg, Florida, would not be possible without the willingness of Pinellas County judges to mock our faith and the Spirit we believe to be God.
We view their actions as a corrupt and personal attack upon the foundation of our faith and the Spirit wherein we put our trust.

The Bible Separates the Church from the State
Faith separates the Church and State. The Bible represents the Spirit and faith of the Church. The judges of Pinellas County represent a different spirit and opinion than that of the Bible.
Their decisions and opinions agree with decisions made by higher courts. The courts are of one mind, which is against the Spirit of the Bible. On critical matters such as gentrification, abortion, marriage, and prayer, the courts have their opinions, separate from the Spirit of the Church and the Bible.
We are in a position that requires us to be strong in faith now. The Word of our faith and the Spirit we trust should not be in the hands of the courts to be mocked and ridiculed.
Many people have lost and are currently losing their homes to corruption in the courts. The biased actions of the courts are conducive to racial tensions in our communities. Corruption in the courts is the root of many ills that trouble our society. It is a gross misrepresentation of the Spirit of the Bible for it to be in the courts.
Our purpose for this action is to encourage everyone to be strong in faith as we face adversity together. By removing the Bible from the courts, we benefit by raising the standards of our faith, which will make us stronger in this time of need.
If there ever was a time to lift our faith, that time is now. We value your input. Please Contact us to offer any constructive suggestions you may have.
Be Seated; the Court of LIFE is in Session.
In these days of judgment, we have the following.
- Two conflicting testimonies concerning life.
- On the one side, God says His Word is our life, literally.
- On the other side, we have the opinions of everybody else.
We render judgment in favor of one or the other by what we do in response to the testimonies we choose to believe. The Book of Life is open. To understand it is to be made strong in faith as it prepares us for what is to come.
Everyone is free to believe whatever. One thing, you won’t be able to say I didn’t tell you. This is my testimony of what I see in Christ.